November 21, 2017


A range of European research centres have worked alongside ESA on conceiving and developing the Biomass mission: in France, the CESBIO biosphere research centre and the LEDB biological evolution and diversity laboratory in Toulouse; in the United Kingdom, the Universities of Sheffield and Edinburgh; in Germany, the aerospace agency DLR; in Italy, the Polytechnic University of Milan; in Sweden, FOI, the Swedish defence research agency; in Denmark, the Technical University of Denmark; and in the USA, the California Institute of Technology (CalTech) and the University of Virginia.

Many teams working on the Biomass project in France are being supported by CNES under the TOSCA Earth, oceanography, land surfaces and atmosphere programme. Besides CESBIO, the other research laboratories involved are:

  • LEDB (CNRS / Toulouse 3 University / National agronomy training school)
  • ONERA (French defence research agency) teams in Salon de Provence and Toulouse
  • LSCE climate and environmental science laboratory (IPSL, CNRS / CEA / UVSQ)
  • Bordeaux 1 University, OASU universe sciences observatory
  • IETR electronics and telecommunications institute in Rennes (Rennes 1 University / CNRS / INSA Rennes / Supelec / Nantes University)
  • AMAP botany and modelling of plant architecture and vegetation laboratory (CIRAD / IRD / CNRS / INRA / Montpellier 2 University)
  • ESYCOM electronics, communication systems and microsystems laboratory (Marne-la-Vallée University)
  • TETIS land, environment, remote sensing and spatial information laboratory (IRSTEA / CIRAD / Agroparistech)
  • ESPACE-DEV joint research unit (IRD, Montpellier 2 University / University of Antilles-French Guiana (UAG) / University of La Réunion)
  • BRGM, the French geological survey, Orléans
  • Institut Fresnel in Marseille (Aix Marseille / CNRS / École Centrale Marseille)
  • GET geoscience and environment laboratory in Toulouse (LMTG/OMP, UPS / IRD / CNRS / CNES)
  • EPHYSE functional ecology and environmental physics laboratory (INRA)
  • LATMOS atmospheres, environments and space observations laboratory (IPSL, CNRS / UVSQ / UPMC)

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